
CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit Paused Front Squat (2-2-2-2-2) **3 Sec. Pause @ bottom** Metcon (Time) 1000m Row 75 Sit-ups 50 Slam Balls 30/20 25 Snatches 115/75
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CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit The Don (Time) For time: 66 Deadlifts, 110# 66 Box jump, 24″ 66 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood 66 Knees to elbows 66 Sit-ups 66 Pull-ups 66 Thrusters, 55# 66 Wall ball shots, 20# 66 Burpees 66 Double-undersIn honor of U.S. Marine Corporal Donald M. Marler, 22, of St. Louis, Missouri, died...
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CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit Deadlift (3-3-3-3-3) Metcon (Time) 40 Calorie Bike THEN, 6 Rounds 12 DB Snatches 50/35 12 DB Goblet Lunges 50/35
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CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit Clean and Jerk (6 Min. EMOM, 2 Reps EM) Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 12 Min. AMRAP 3 Front Squats 185/125 (from ground) 3 Bar Muscle Ups 30 Double Unders
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CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit Max Distance Handstand Walk (Distance) Max Distance Handstand Walk**Work on HSPU’s if you can HS Walk** Metcon (Time) 6 Rounds 150m Run 15 Slam Balls 30/20 10 Push Press 95/65 1 Rope Climb
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CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit Push Press (4-4-4-4) Rahoi (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 12-Minute AMRAP of: 12 Box Jumps, 24″ 6 Thrusters, 95# 6 Bar Facing BurpeesIn honor of U.S. FBI Supervisory Special Agent Gregory J. Rahoi, 38, of Brookfield, Wisconsin, was killed on December 6, 2006To learn more about Rahoi click here**Women’s RX =...
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CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit Overhead Squat (4-4-4-4) Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds) 5 Rounds w/ 1 Min. Rest between rounds: Completed Rounds Only 3 Min. AMRAP 3 Power Cleans 155/105 5 Push-ups 7 Sit-ups
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CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit Nutts (Time) 10 Handstand Push-ups 15 Deadlifts, 250# 25 Box Jumps, 30″ 50 Pull-ups 100 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# 200 Double-Unders 400m Run with a 45# PlateIn honor of Lieutenant Andrew Richard Nuttall, 30, stationed in Edmonton, AB died on December 23, 2009.To learn more about Nutts click here**Women’s RX = 175#DL,...
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CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit Weighted Pull-ups (3-3-3-3-3) **Worked on Strict Pull-ups if can’t do weighted** Metcon (Time) 50 Calorie Bike 40 Slam Balls 30/20 30 KB Swings 70/53 20 Front Rack Lunges 115/75 100′ Burpee Broad Jump
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CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit Snatch (6 Min. EMOM, 2 Reps EM) **Power or Squat** Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 12 Min. AMRAP 10 Hand Release Push-ups 10 Overhead Squat 95/65 10 Toes to Bar
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