CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit
Clean & Jerk Complex (10 Min. EMOM, 1 Complex Every Minute)
Bar Can’t Be Dropped Until Jerk is completed:
-Hang Clean
**Cleans can be power or squat**
**Pick a challenging weight and stick with it for all 10 complexes.**
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
Death by Burpees!
1 on the 1st Min.
2 on the 2nd Min.
3 on the 3rd Min. Etc…..
-Go until you can’t get them all in the minute. –
**Score is the last round you were able to fully complete. If you can’t keep up early on, just take a minute off and start back again at 5 to get some work in…..try and do that until you have been working 20 minutes**