CrossFit – Mon, Mar 18

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

Overhead Squat (5 sets of 5 reps (5×5)
Working up to a HEAVY set of 5 )

Roll On (Time)

For time:

1000 meter Row

80 DB Goblet Lunges 50/35#

60 DB Movements 50/35#**

40 DB Goblet Squats 50/35#

20 Single Arm DB Devils Press 50/35#

**DB Movements 30 Single arm hang clean and jerks, 30 Single arm hang Snatches** (do not have to alternate hands and nust complete all 30 C&J before starting the snatches)
This is a chipper with a lot of different dumbbell movements so:

*Don’t blow up on the row

*Pick a pace you can hold and push the devils presses at the end

*Smooth is fast, fast is smooth

Accessory Work (optional)

5 rounds for quality:

10 V-ups

1 min Plank (can break it up if needed)

10 V-ups