CrossFit – Wed, Jan 10

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

Waterfall DT (teams of 2) (Time)

5 rounds for time:

12/9 cal machine

12 Deadlifts 135#/95#

9/7 cal machine

9 Hang Power Cleans 135#/95#

6/5 cal machine

6 Shoulder to Overhead 135#/95#

Rx+: 155#/105#
Waterfall style:

Both partners will complete 5 full rounds

Athlete 1 starts on machine, when they finish the machine, Athlete 2 starts on machine.

Athlete 1 then moves on to DL, machine, then HPC, then machine, then S2OH and so on. Athlete 2 follows in line but cannot move on to next movement until Athlete 1 is finished with it.

Accessory Work (optional)

5 rounds for Quality:

5-10 unbroken strict or banded pull ups

10-15 unbroken DB or barbell bench press