CrossFit – Fri, Jan 12

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

Deadlift (7 x 3 at 75-85% of 1RM of Deadlift)

EMOM Friday (4 Rounds for reps)

28 min EMOM

1- 40-60 double unders or single unders

2-15-25 GHDs or sit ups

3- Inversion movement of choice (athlete’s pick…ex: HSPU variation, HSW, HS hold, wall walk)

4-Gymnastic movement of choice (athlete’s pick…ex: pull up variation, BMU, RMU, T2B)

*Consistent/repeatable efforts/reps of each movement for the duration of the EMOM

*Maintain reps, don’t fall off the wagon

*Good time to practice inversion and gymnastics movements that you are not comfortable with yet

*Leave yourself 20-30 seconds of rest during the inversion and gymnastics pieces to recover

*log the lowest # of reps you got/maintained for each movement

Accessory Work (optional)

10 minutes of mobility/rehab work:

Stretch, mobilize, release what is sore and hurting