CrossFit – Wed, Apr 10

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

2 Dollar Pistol (Partner WOD) (Time)

M/M Team: 300 cal machine

M/F Team: 260 cal machine

F/F Team: 225 cal machine

Perform 10 total rounds of DT, with partners switching after every 2 movements on DT

Rx+: 155/105#

Rx: 135/95#

Fitness: 115/75#

*One partner works on machine while other partner performs 2 movements of DT fully then they switch
Example: Partner 1 rows/partner 2 does all the Deadlifts and Hang cleans, then switch, partner 2 rows/partner 1 does all S2OH and Deadlifts

*if DT rounds finish before machine cals then both can switch off working on machine

*workout is done when both calories and DT are done

Accessory Work (optional)

5 rounds for Quality:

15 DB Bench

10 Strict Pull-ups (use band if needed)

10 Dips of some sort (ring, bar, box)