CrossFit – Tue, Mar 12

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

The Gambler (3 Rounds for reps)

3, 5 min AMRAPs with 2 min rest between each one

5 min AMRAP

Buy-In: 30/25 Calorie Machine


10 Power Snatches 75/55#

10 Lateral Burpees over bar

-Rest 2 min-

Buy-In: 25/20 Calorie Machine


8 Power Snatches 95/65#

8 Lateral Burpees over bar

-Rest 2 min-

Buy-In: 20/15 Calorie Machine


6 Power Snatches 115/80#

6 Lateral Burpees over bar

Rx+: 95/65#, 115/80#, 135/95#

Snatch (8 minute EMOM:
3 Touch and Go Snatches each minute)

* snatches can be power or squat, but must be done unbroken

*pick a weight that is challenging to hold onto but doable for 8 rounds

*lifting again under fatigue after WOD

Accessory Work (optional)

10 minute EMOM:

Odd: 30-45 seconds practicing inverted movement of choose (HSPU, HSW, wall walks, HS HOLD, etc)

Even: moderate pace on Machine of choice for 45 seconds