CrossFit – Thu, May 2

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

A Little Unsteady (Time)

5 Rounds for time:


4 Wall Walks

3 Rope Climbs

15 Double DB Box Step Ups (20″, 50#s/35#s…must hold in farmer carry position)


3 Wall Walks

2 Rope Climbs

15 DB Box Step Ups (20″, single 50#/35#…can hold DB any way)


2 Wall Walks

1 Rope Climb or 3 floor to stand pulls

15 DB Box Step Ups (20″, single 35#/20#…can hold DB any way)
*Try to get hands to or as close to tape line as possible during wall walks

*Must stand up tall at the top of each box step up