CrossFit – Mon, Oct 9

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

Back Squat (
Doubles (2 reps) @ 85%
Perform as many sets of 2 reps as possible in a 10 minute window reracking the bar after each set of 2 and resting at your own discretion.
Record how many sets of 2 you complete in that 10 min window. )

Warm up quickly, building to 85% of BACK SQUAT 1 RM. When athletes are ready, a 10 min clock will start counting down and you will perform as many sets of 2 reps as possible in that 10 min window reracking the weight after each set of 2 and only resting as long as you need. You will record how many sets of 2 you completed in that 10 min window.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15 Min. AMRAP

12 Double Unders

9 Sit-ups

6 HSPU’s

3 SDHP’s 135/95

100m Sprint

RX + = GHD’s Strict HSPU’s, 155/105 SDHP’s