CrossFit – Mon, Mar 4

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

Scar Tissue (4 Rounds for reps)

4, 4 minute AMRAPs with 2 min break between each:


10/7 Calorie Machine

10 Hang Clean and Jerks 75/55#

Rest 2 min


10/7 Calorie Machine

8 Hang Clean & Jerks 95/65#

Rest 2 min


10/7 Calorie Machine

6 Hang Clean and Jerks 115/85#

Rest 2 min


10/7 Calorie Machine

4 Hang Clean and Jerks 135/95#

Rx+: 95/65, 115/85, 135/95, 155/105

Try to get At least 2 rounds every AMRAP

Hold consistent pace on machine

Should be able to do the hang c&j unbroken or in no more than 2 sets

Try to utilize the hook grip to save your grip

Hang Clean (8 min EMOM
*2 reps every minute
*Perform after workout, working on lifting under fatigue
*Can be doubles or singles, just remember to pause at hips to denote the hang
*Can be power or squat)

*take time to build up to your EMOM weight and stay at same weight throughout EMOM

*if you change weights during EMOM log your lightest weight lifted

Accessory Work (optional)

Accrue 5 minutes total of a Good Plank

*Every break perform 10 push-ups