CrossFit – Mon, Jan 22

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

Front Squat (7 x 3 @ 80-85% of 1RM FS)

*Take time/a few sets to build up to your % then start your 7 sets

Thrust is a Must (Time)

9 rounds:

10 T2B

8 Lateral Bar Hop Burpees

6 Thrusters **

Round 1-3 = 95/65

Round 4-6 = 115/75

Round 7-9 = 135/95

RX+: 115/75, 135/95, 155/105
Goal time: 15-20 min

Do NOT get stuck on T2B…either decrease T2B reps each round or scale movement appropriately

Smooth burpees

Try for 1-2 sets on thrusters each time

Accessory Work (optional)

5 rounds for quality:

10 Hollow Rocks

10 Back Extensions on GHD (5 sec hold at top)

10 V-ups

1 min Plank