CrossFit – Mon, Feb 5

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

Clean and Jerk (8 minute EMOM
2 Power Cleans into 2 Jerks (cannot drop barbell until completed)

*all 4 reps performed in same minute
*stay at same weight throughout
*shoot for around 60-70% of 1RM C&J
*log weight performed)

Universal Sound (3 Rounds for calories)


3 rounds:

10 pull ups

9 clean and jerks (95/65)


Max Calorie Machine in time remaining

Rest 2 min


2 rounds:

8 C2B

9 clean and jerks (115/75)


Max Calorie Machine in time remaining

Rest 2 min


1 round:


9 clean and jerks (135/95)


Max Calorie Machine in time remaining

Rx+: 15 Pull-ups, 12 C2B, 9 BMU and weights are 95/65, 135/95, 185/125

*can use any machine you wish
*scale movements, weights, reps down appropriately

*goal is to have at least one minute on the machine each time

*score is total calories across all three rounds

Accessory Work (optional)

3 sets of:

30 sec Top of Pull Up Hold

30 sec Rest

30 sec Hollow Hold

30 sec Rest

30 sec HS Hold

30 sec Rest