CrossFit – Mon, Feb 26

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

Snatch (8 minute EMOM
2 reps every minute
Can be Power or Squat)

Try to Perform same weight throughout entire EMOM…if you build or drop weight during EMOM, log lightest weight lifted.

I Walk The Line (Time)

Every 4 minutes for 5 rounds:

12/9 calorie machine

9 Bar Facing Burpees

6 Power Snatches (135#/95#)

*Rx+: 155#/105#

*Score is Slowest Round

*Goal/Stimulus-SPRINT!! Go as hard as you can during work and then Rest/Recover remainder of each 4 minutes

*Pick a Snatch weight that you can do 6 UNBROKEN with fresh

Accessory Work (optional)

12 minute EMOM:

1: 30-45 sec inverted movement practice (athlete’s choice)

2: 30-45 sec rig movement practice (athlete’s choice)

3: 30-45 sec plank