CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit
Push Jerk (7 x 3 @ 75-85% of 1 RM)
Good Lord Lifts me Higher (4 Rounds for reps)
25 min EMOM:
M1: 10-20 T2B or Toes 2 Rings (a # you can hold for whole EMOM)
M2: 5 Clean and Jerks @ 65-75% of 1 RM
M3: 4-8 Burpee Box Get Overs (48”)
M4: 12-18/9-14 Calorie Machine (push for more cals than you normally would)
*Log your lowest # of reps performed for each movement
You will get 1 min of REST on every 5th minute, so push hard the other 4 minutes
*Push for more cals than you normally would on the machines
*Work on stringing some T2B or T2R
*Be efficient with your BBGO and do a # you can maintain each time
*Smooth singles on C&J
Accessory Work (optional)
Skill Work:
Every 2 minutes x 5 rounds (10:00):
20 Sit ups or GHDs
Max distance HSW, HSW practice, or max effort HS hold in time remaining