CrossFit – Wed, Feb 21

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

Lose Yourself (Partner WOD) (3 Rounds for reps)

12 min AMRAP:

A1: 120 Calorie Machine (110 mixed, 100 female)

A2: 120 KB or DB Goblet Lunge steps (50/53#, 35#)

Max Reps C2B Pull ups in remaining time

-REST 2 min-

12 min AMRAP:

A1: 120 Calorie Machine (110 mixed, 100 female)

A2: 120 KB Swings (53#/35#)

Max Reps HSPU in remaining time

-Rest 2 min-

12 min AMRAP:

A1: 120 Calorie Machine (110 mixed, 100 female)

A2: 120 T2B or Toes to Ring

Max Reps SA Devils Press (50#/35#) in remaining time

Rx+: 70#/53# KB, 70#/50# DB, BMU, SHSPU
*Switch as desired for A1/A2 with both working at same time until work is completed

*Then one works, one rests for the “Max Reps” movements

*Score is # of reps for each max rep movement