CrossFit – Thu, Mar 28

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

Bench Press (5 x 5 at 70-75% of 1RM Bench Press
*Superset each round with a MAX set of UNBROKEN STRICT Pull-ups (use band if needed))

*Perform Strict Pull-ups during your rest between each set of Bench Press

The Tortoise and The Hare (Time)

Every 4 min x 6 rounds:

12 Pull-ups

21 KB Swings 53#/35#

400 meter run

Rx+: 8 BMU

*Score is SLOWEST Round

*Can sub run for 500 m row/ski or .75 mile bike and still click Rx
*Scale appropriately so that you can consistently get the work done each round in under 4 min

*Pacing will be key