CrossFit – Thu, Apr 25

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

Hang Clean (8 min EMOM
Perform 2 Hang Cleans each minute
They must be done Touch and Go (No dropping))

*Can stay at same weight throughout EMOM or build through EMOM…but if you build, you must log lightest weight

3’s Company (Time)



Hang Power Cleans 135/95#

T2B or Toes to Ring

*Every round ends with a 30 ft HSW



Hang Power Cleans 115/85#

T2B or Toes to Ring

*Every round ends with a 100 ft Bear Crawl



Hang Power Cleans 95/65#

Hanging Knee Raises

*Every round ends with a 100 ft Bear Crawl
*If you have T2B or toes to ring but cannot handle the volume then be smart and scale the number of them down

Accessory Work (optional)

Bike Intervals:

From 0-3 min- 40/32 calories

From 3-6 min- 35/28 calories

From 6-8:30 min- 30/24 calories

From 8:30-10:30- 25/20 calories

From 10:30-12 min- 20/16 calories

From 12-13 min- 15/12 calories

From 13-14 min- 10/8 calories