CrossFit – Mon, Feb 19

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

Clean and Jerk (8 minute EMOM
2 Clean and Jerks each minute )

*try to stay at same weight throughout but if you build, log lowest weight lifted in EMOM

The Real Slim Shady (Time)


Power Cleans 95/65


– 100 Double Unders –


Shoulder to Overhead 95/65


– 100 Double Unders –


Clean and Jerks 95/65


RX + = 135/95 Barbell, GHD’s
Goal time: under 20 minutes

*Decrease DU reps as needed to make this stimulus happen if DU are your Kryptonite

*Quick singles on PC and C&J is fine but try to hold bigger sets on S2OH

Accessory Work (optional)

Accumulate 50 STRICT Pull-ups (use band if needed)

*Perform 10/7 Calorie Bike every break

*Goal is to keep consistent sets and not drop to singles