CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit
Indy QF WOD 3 (Time)
For time:
3 rounds:
10 handstand push-ups
20 toes-to-bars
2 rounds:
10 strict handstand push-ups
5 rope climbs,15 feet
1 round:
10 chest-to-wall handstand push-ups
20 muscle-ups
Time cap: 15 minutes
3 rounds:
10 Push-ups
15 toes-to-bars
2 rounds:
10 Hand Release push-ups
4 rope climbs,15 feet
1 round:
10 Handstand push-ups
15 Bar muscle-ups
Time cap: 15 minutes
3 rounds:
10 Push-ups
15 Hanging Knee Raises
2 rounds:
10 Hand Release push-ups
8 floor to standing rope pulls
1 round:
10 Strict DB Press 35#s/20#s
20 Pull-Ups
Time cap: 15 minutes
*Record the time after completing 3 rounds of HSPU and toes-to-bars, then again after completing 2 rounds of HSPU and rope climbs. In the event of a tie, the athlete who completed the previous section faster wins the tie