CrossFit – Fri, Feb 23

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

Overhead Squat (5 reps @ 55%
5 reps @ 60%
4 reps @ 65%
4 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 75%
3 reps @ 80%
2 reps @ 85%
2 reps @ 90%)

Without Me (5 Rounds for calories)

Every 4 minutes for 20 min

15 Wall Balls 20#/14#

12 SDHP 95#/65#

9 Hang Snatches 95#/65#

6 Overhead Squats 95#/65#


Max Calorie Machine in remaining time

Rx+: 135/95#, 30# WB
*There is no built in REST here so be smart with your pacing, especially on the machine

*You can use same machine whole time or switch

*Score will be total calories accrued across all 5 rounds so write them down after each 4 min round

Accessory Work (optional)

1 min max calorie Echo Bike