CrossFit – Fri, Apr 5

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

Tarzan (3 Rounds for time)

3 sets, resting 2 min between each set:


3 sets of:

15-12-9 Calorie Machine

25 Double Unders

7-5-3 Ring Muscle Ups

Rest 2 min


3 sets of:

15-12-9 Calorie Machine

25 Double Unders

7-5-3 Bar Muscle Ups

Rest 2 min


3 sets of:

15-12-9 Calorie Machine

25 Single Unders

7-5-3 Pull-ups or C2B Pull-ups

Rest 2 min


15 cal bike, 25 DU, 7 MU then 12 cal bike, 25 DU, 5 MU then 9 cal bike, 25 DU, 3 MU then rest 2 min and record time it took you to do first set
*Must stay on same machine the whole time

*Score is your three separate times it took you for each set