CrossFit – Fri, Apr 26

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

Bench Press (10-8-6-4-2-1
Building across sets

*Start with the set of 10 at between 60-70% of 1RM

*Finish with and log your heavy single

Burn It Down (5 Rounds for calories)

5, 3 minute AMRAPs

Rest 1:30 min between each


10 Double DB Bench Press 70#/50#s

15 Double DB Deadlifts 70#/50#s

20 Single DB Goblet Squats 70#/50#

Max Calorie Machine in remaining time


10 Double DB Bench Press 50#/35#s

15 Double DB Deadlifts 50#/35#s

20 Single DB Goblet Squats 50#/35#

Max Calorie Machine in remaining time


10 Double DB Bench Press 35#/20#s

15 Double DB Deadlifts 35#/20#s

20 Single DB Goblet Squats 35#/20#

Max Calorie Machine in remaining time
*must stick to whatever machine you choose, No switching

*Only one head of Dumbbell must touch ground during dead lifts