CrossFit – Wed, Sep 4

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

Down in the Gulley (Time)

With a Partner, for time complete:

5 rounds of DT’s Sister

50 Calorie Machine

4 rounds of DT’s Sister

40 Calorie Machine

3 rounds of DT’s Sister

30 Calorie Machine

2 rounds of DT’s Sister

20 Calorie Machine

1 round of DT’s Sister

10 Calorie Machine

40 min Time Cap

Split reps as you wish

1 round of DT’s Sister = 12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans, 6 Front Squats

Mixed Teams do: 45/35/25/15/5 calories

Female Female Teams do: 40/30/20/10/5 calories

Rx+: 155/105#

Rx: 115/80#

Fitness: 75/55#
*Pick a machine and stay on it the whole time

*Both partners must do the same machine