CrossFit – Wed, Jun 5

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

The Dance (Time)

Partner WOD

40 minute time cap

Both Partners working at same time on opposite triplets, then switching when both are done with the triplet they are on


20 rounds (10 each of):

5 Strict Pull-ups

10 Parallette Push ups

15 KB Swings 53/35#

20 rounds (10 each of)

5 Strict HSPU

10 Single DB Hang Snatches 70/50#

15 Single DB Goblet Lunges 70/50#


20 rounds (10 each of):

5 Pull-ups

10 Parallette Push ups

15 KB Swings 53/35#

20 rounds (10 each of)


10 Single DB Hang Snatches 50#/35#

15 Single DB Goblet Lunges 50#/35#


20 rounds (10 each of):

5 Ring rows or Banded Pull-ups

10 Knee Parallette Push ups

15 KB Swings 35/26#

20 rounds (10 each of)

5 Inverted Box Push-ups or DB strict press

10 Single DB Hang Snatches 35/20#

15 Single DB Goblet Lunges 35/20#
*With Both partners working at same time, each will complete 10 full rounds of each triplet

*Cannot Switch to other triplet until your partner is finished with it

*Rest as needed but remember you are only as fast as your slowest team member

*do not have to alternate on hang snatches