CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit
Rough Ridge (Time)
With a Partner, for Time perform
Part 1: (1 works/1 rests…split reps as you wish)
Box Jump Overs 30/24”
S2OH 135/95#
-then, directly into-
Part 2: (performed waterfall style)
Calories on the Rower-Ski Erg-Bike (you pick order)
40-30-20 Male Calories
30-20-10 Female Calories
*Partners Can Choose the order of machines
*Follow the Leader Format..cannot pass teammate in front of you and cannot start machine until other teammate is done with it
Example: I complete 20 cal bike, then my partner completes their 20 cal bike while I move to 30 cal ski etc.
Rx+: 30/24” box, 135/95# S2OH
Rx: 24/20” box, 115/75# S2OH
Fitness: 20” box step overs, 95/65# S2OH
*40 min time cap