CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit
Cobalt (Partner WOD) (2 Rounds for reps)
15 min AMRAP:
A1: 12 x 50 ft Double Dumbbell Lunges (50#s/35#s…lunges done in 25ft segments…any hold)
A2: 150/135/120 Calorie Machine
Max Reps Rope Climbs in time remaining
Rest 3 minutes
15 min AMRAP:
A1: 120 Double Dumbbell Box Step Ups 20” (50#s/35#s…Any Hold)
A2: 150/135/120 Calorie Machine (different)
Max Reps Strict HSPU in time remaining
135/120/105 Calories
Regular Rope Climbs
Single DB Lunges and Box Step ups 50/35#, 20” box
Regular HSPU
120/105/90 Calories
Floor to standing rope pulls
Single DB Lunges and Box Step ups 35#/20#, 20” box
Box Inverted HSPU or Double DB Strict Press
Switch as desired for A1/A2 until work is completed
One works, one rests for the “max reps” movements
Score is total Rope Climbs + total HSPU