CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit
Lazar Dukic (Remembrance WOD) (Time)
3 rounds of:
30 Cal Row or 25 Cal Ski or 20 Cal Bike
10 Bar Muscle Ups
-Rest 3 min-
3 rounds of:
30 Cal Row or 25 Cal Ski or 20 Cal Bike
15 Strict HSPU
-Rest 3 min-
3 rounds of:
10 Bar Muscle Ups
15 Strict HSPU
*You can stay on same machine or switch throughout WOD
*Bar Muscle-Ups can be scaled by decreasing reps or performing burpee pull-ups or Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups, or regular Pull-Ups or Banded Pull-ups or Ring Rows as needed.
*Strict Handstand Push-Ups can be scaled to Regular HSPU or Box Inverted Push-Ups or Double DB Strict Press or Regular Push-ups as needed..
Try to go at a moderate pace on the machine, so you can keep larger sets on the gymnastics part.