CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit
Snatch Complex (8 min EMOM- Perform 1 Complex Each Minute)
-Hang Snatch
(Can be power or Squat)
*You can build throughout EMOM or stay at same weight
*Must log LOWEST weight lifted
*Focus on making contact with hips or at least upper thigh to help drive that barbell up
Age Group Semifinal Event 1 (Time)
For time with a 20 min Time Cap:
50 Calorie Machine
9 Snatches 165#/115#
50 Calorie Machine
6 Snatches 195#/135#
50 Calorie Machine
3 Snatches 225#/155#
50 Calorie Machine
9 Snatches 135#/95#
50 Calorie Machine
6 Snatches 165#/115#
50 Calorie Machine
3 Snatches 195#/135#
50 Calorie Machine
9 Snatches 95#/65#
50 Calorie Machine
6 Snatches 115#/75#
50 Calorie Machine
3 Snatches 135#/95#
Accessory Work (optional)
Body Armor
3 sets:
10 Strict T2B or Strict Toes close to Bar
20 second Hanging L-sit or close to L-sit
30 Ab mat sit-ups