CrossFit – Tue, Jun 4

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

Power Clean (8 min EMOM
3 reps each minute
Can be TNG or Singles)

Jump Around (4 Rounds for reps)

4, 4 min AMRAPS with 2 min rest between each


27/21 Calorie Machine

21 Power Cleans

(1: 135/95#, 2: 115/80#, 3+4: 95/65#)

MAX Burpee Box Jump Overs in time remaining (24/20”)


27/21 Calorie Machine

21 Power Cleans

(1: 115/80#, 2: 95/65#, 3+4: 75/55#)

MAX Burpee Box Jump Overs in time remaining (24/20”)


21/15 Calorie Machine

21 Power Cleans

(1+2: 95/65#, 3+4: 75/55#)

MAX Burpee Box Step Overs in time remaining (20”)

*Weight goes down each round for PC