CrossFit – Thu, Sep 5

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

Fortitude (2 Rounds for reps)

30 min EMOM (alternating movements each minute)

Minute 1: 15/12 Calorie Machine

Minute 2: 15 Burpees

*You must use a different machine than you used yesterday if you did yesterdays WOD

*You can choose to stick with more calories than burpees or vice versa depending on your strengths

*Score is 2 numbers …lowest # of calories and lowest # of burpees performed during the EMOM


Pick a # of calories and burpees that can be completed consistently between 45-50 seconds…

12/9 Cals and 12 Burpees or 10/7 Cals and 10 Burpees
Find a steady pace to stick to for the whole workout.

It will get harder as you go, especially the second half of the WOD.

Be quick with your transitions from machine to burpees and back

Fast is smooth, smooth is fast

Snatch (Immediately following completion of the workout you will have 12 minutes to build to a 1 rep HEAVY Snatch Single (power or squat))

*12 min clock will start immediately after EMOM