CrossFit – Thu, May 23

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

Drop Off (Time)

5 rounds (A new round starts every 6 minutes)

For Time:


20 GHDs

40 ft Double KB/DB Lunge (53 or50s/35s)

60 Double Unders

8 Ring Muscle Ups (6 RMU ladies)


25 Sit-ups

40 ft Double KB/DB Lunge (53 or50s/35s)

50 Double Unders

8 Bar Muscle Ups (6 BMU ladies)


20 Sit-ups

40 ft Single KB/DB Lunge (53 or 50/35#)

50 Single Unders

8 Pull-ups
*Score is SLOWEST Round

*Once you finish your last rep on the rings or rig then you will rest until the start of the next 6 minute window

*Scale accordingly, the goal is to have at least 1 minute of rest during each round