CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit
Split Jerk (5 sets of 3 reps
Build/Increase weight across sets working up to a heavy set of 3 reps)
Kangaroo (Time)
For Time:
60 Double Unders
15 Strict Press 95/65#
90 Double Unders
30 Push Press 95/65#
120 Double Unders
45 Push Jerks 95/65#
60 Single Unders
15 Strict Press 75/55#
90 Single Unders
30 Push Press 75/55#
120 Single Unders
45 Push Jerks 75/55#
Accessory Work (optional)
5 rounds for Quality:
10 Candlesticks (slow)
8 Ab wheel rollouts (slow from knees)
Max Duration L sit on paralletts