CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit
Stamina Squats 2FS/4BS (Weight)
1- 2 Front Squat
2- 4 Back Squats
*12 min EMOM
*Shoot for 80-90% of 1 RM FS
Who Let The Dawgs Out (Time)
3 Rounds for Time:
400 meter run
21 Toes to Bar/Ring
12 Thrusters 135/95#
400 meter run
15 Toes to Bar/Ring
12 Thrusters 115/80#
400 meter run
15 Hanging Knee Raises or Toes Close to Bar
12 Thrusters 95/65#
Accessory Work (optional)
Bike Intervals:
10 Rounds for Max Calories of:
30 seconds Hard
30 seconds REST
*Try to be consistent on your efforts and not start so fast that you die off quickly
*Keep an eye on you RPM/Cadence and keep it as consistent as you can across sets