CrossFit – Mon, Apr 29

CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit

Front Squat (Take 20 min to Build to a HEAVY Single For the Day)

Template of how to build to a heavy single:

10 reps with Empty bar

7 reps at 45-55%

5 reps at 55-65%

3 reps at 65-75%

2 reps at 75-80%

Then 1 rep as many times as it takes as you continue to build to that heavy single

Squat til you Drop (Time)


3 rounds of:

16 Overhead Squats 115/80#

24 GHDs

-Rest 1 min-

3 rounds of:

16 Front Squats 115/80#

12 Strict HSPU


3 rounds of:

16 Overhead Squats 95/65#

24 Sit-ups

-Rest 1 min-

3 rounds of:

16 Front Squats 95/65#



3 rounds of:

16 Overhead Squats 75/55#

24 Sit-ups

-Rest 1 min-

3 rounds of:

16 Front Squats 75/55#

12 Strict Double DB Press 35/20#s
*rest is included in total time/score

Accessory Work (optional)

Murph Prep:

5 rounds of:

1: A maintainable set of unbroken strict or strict banded pull-ups

2: A maintainable set of unbroken push-ups

3: 200 meter run