CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit
Deadlift (5-4-4-3-3-3
Building to a HEAVY 3 rep for the day)
*Build up in weight and make sure form is maintained
Like a Fight Gone Bad (4 Rounds for reps)
4 rounds for Total Reps:
1 minute Wall Balls 20/14#
1 minute Strict Pull-ups
1 minute Hang Power Cleans 135/95#
1 minute Strict HSPU
1 minute Machine Calories
1 minute REST
Rx: Kipping Pull-ups, 115/80#, HSPU
Fitness: BANDED pull-ups or ring rows, 95/65#, Inverted box push-ups or double DB strict press
*performed on a running clock
*score is total reps
Accessory Work (optional)
3 Rounds For Quality:
3 Turkish Get-ups (each side)
15 Reverse Hypers on GHD
1 min Plank