CrossFit Wreckage – CrossFit
Bench Press (5×3 (3-3-3-3-3)
Build across sets working to a heavy set of 3 for the day)
Dumbbell Mania (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 min AMRAP:
10 Single Arm DB Hang Clean & Jerks 70/50#
10 Single DB Box Step Ups 70/50# (24/20″)
10 (40 ft) Shuttle Sprints (20′ down/20′ back = 1 rep)
10 Single Arm DB Hang Clean & Jerks 50/35#
10 Single DB Box Step Ups 50#/35# (24/20″)
10 (40 ft) Shuttle Sprints (20′ down/20′ back = 1 rep)
10 Single Arm DB Hang Clean & Jerks 35/20#
10 Single DB Box Step Ups 35/20# (20” box)
10 (40 ft) Shuttle Sprints (20′ down/20′ back = 1 rep)
*hang clean and jerks do NOT have to be alternating
*full stand up/extension on step ups and can hold DB however you wish
*finger touch to ground at every shuttle run turn
Accessory Work (optional)
5 rounds for Quality:
20 Hollow rocks
30 sec side plank left
10 v ups
30 sec side plank right